228-meter bulk carrier runs aground in Babitonga Bay in São Francisco do Sul

A 228 meter long bulk carrier is stranded in Babitonga Bay, located in São Francisco do Sul, on the North Coast of Santa Catarina. According to information from the Navy, the region’s Port Authority Police Station was informed of the situation last Saturday, March 11th.

The stranding of the ship, flying the Liberian flag and named London 2012, occurred near Porto Itapoá. According to the Navy, there was no interference with the traffic of other vessels in the canal and there was no record of water pollution.

The ship’s owner has already been notified to adopt preventive measures to avoid environmental damage and arrange for the vessel to be refloated, which is loaded with soybeans.

Specialized professionals dived to check the condition of the ship’s hull. To carry out the refloating, the shipowner must present a preliminary rescue plan, in addition to an execution plan.

The Navy informed that an administrative inquiry will be opened to determine the causes and responsibilities for the grounding, and that the deadline for completion is 90 days, which can be extended if necessary.